How To Improve Your Product Content Score
The Content Score feature is an addition to the Seller Center platform that automatically evaluates the quality of a product’s content (product image, description, product model, specifications, product name, and short description) using specific criteria based on the recommended Product Content Guidelines for each category in order to promote and ensure that customers have access to high-quality content on all products.
Here is a few examples from Seller Center per category;
Smartphones > Android Phones and Smartphones > iOS Phones
As seen from the screenshot above, specific parameters are used to determine the content score, and these are the number of characters in the product name, the number of bullet points in the short description, the nature of the description, as well as whether the attributes of the product are filled in correctly.
These requirements differ according to category because each category’s products have unique qualities that set them apart.
Men’s Clothing > Shirts
Here is how to improve your product content score;
While creating a product, confirm all the parameters of that product category by clicking on the Content Score icon on the top right corner of your Seller Center.
Ensure, at least, all minimum criteria are met for all parameters for that product category.
Only provide content and specifications that are relevant to the product.
The product name and description should have the required number of characters
Fill all attribute fields for the product in the category required
All key features of the product should be in bullet points
Always refer to our Content Guidelines for important FAQs and tips on how to create products and content per category, as well as when unclear on any aspects during the product creation stage.